SIDS – Sudden Infant Deaths and Vaccines


Died Suddenly
“Of all reported SIDS cases post-vaccination, 75% occurred within 7 days”

WAKE UP, AMERICA! Babies aren’t just spontaneously dying, they are dying because vaccines are killing them


May 4, 2023 – ‘More Vaccine Doses Linked to Higher Rate of Infant Mortality’; Multiple vaccines administered concurrently have also been shown to increase mortality. In all nations, a causal relationship between vaccines and sudden infant deaths is rarely acknowledged. Yet, physiological studies have provided biological plausibility by showing that infant vaccines can cause serious health conditions’

‘A recent peer-reviewed study published in the medical journal Cureus provided evidence for a positive correlation between the number of vaccine doses given to babies and infant mortality rates. The study confirmed a 2011 study conducted by the same researchers, which found a positive correlation between the greater number of vaccines given to infants in the most highly developed nations and a higher infant mortality rate.1 2


May 15, 2023 – More Vaccine Doses Linked to Higher Infant Mortality

More Vaccine Doses Linked to Higher Rate of Infant Mortality – The Vaccine Reaction

The initial study published in 2011 in Human and Experimental Toxicology evaluated 2009 data from developed and under-developed nations around the world and found that the greatest number of infant deaths occurred in developed nations where infants were given the highest number of vaccine doses, totaling between 21 to 26 doses. The United States gives infants under the age of one year 26 doses of vaccines—the highest number of vaccine doses of all nations.3 4

Critics of the initial study claimed that the researchers did not use “the full dataset” available for all 185 nations in reaching their conclusion. In the recent study, the authors of both studies, Gary Goldman, PhD and Neil Miller, conducted several investigations to test the reliability of their earlier findings in light of the claims made by critics. They reviewed the methodology, analysis, reported results and conclusion made by their critics, as well as provided odds ratio, sensitivity and replication analysis.

Both Studies Confirm That More Vaccination is Associated With Higher Infant Mortality


2021 – Vaccines and sudden infant death: An analysis of the VAERS database
1990–2019 and review of the medical literature 

Although there is considerable evidence that a subset of infants has an increased risk of sudden death after receiving vaccines, health authorities eliminated “prophylactic vaccination” as an official cause of death, so medical examiners are compelled to misclassify and conceal vaccine-related fatalities under alternate cause-of-death classifications. In this paper, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database was analyzed to ascertain the onset interval of infant deaths post-vaccination. Of 2605 infant deaths reported to VAERS from 1990 through 2019, 58 % clustered within 3 days post-vaccination and 78.3 % occurred within 7 days post-vaccination, confirming that infant deaths tend to occur in temporal proximity to vaccine administration. 

Vaccines and sudden infant death: An analysis of the VAERS database
1990–2019 and review of the medical literature  



1 Goldman GS, Miller NZ. Reaffirming a Positive Correlation Between Number of Vaccine Doses and Infant Mortality Rates: A Response to Critics. Cureus Feb. 2, 2023; 15(2): e34566.
2 Nevradakis M. Higher Infant Mortality Rates Linked to Higher Number of Vaccine Doses, New Study Confirms. The Defender Feb. 7, 2023.

3 Ibid.
4 Goldman GS, Miller NZ. Reaffirming a Positive Correlation Between Number of Vaccine Doses and Infant Mortality Rates: A Response to Critics. Cureus Feb. 2, 2023; 15(2): e34566.
5 Ibid.
6 Ibid.
7 Nevradakis M. Higher Infant Mortality Rates Linked to Higher Number of Vaccine Doses, New Study Confirms. The Defender Feb. 7, 2023.
8 Miller NZ. Vaccines and sudden infant death: An analysis of the VAERS database 1990–2019 and review of the medical literatureToxicology Reports Vol. 8, 2021.
9 Ibid.
10 Ibid.
11 Fisher BL. In Memoriam: Infant Deaths & Vaccination. NVIC Vaccine News. May 24, 2011.
12 Goldman GS. Positive Correlation between the Number of Vaccine Doses and Infant MortalityOrthomolecular Science Feb. 22, 2023.

Hep B Vaccine for Infants??

The Hepatitis B vaccine is mandated for children to attend public schools in 47 states, as well as the District of Columbia.

What doctors fail tell you, which doesn’t make sense, is that you’re injecting a newborn baby to protect them from a disease that occurs in “drug addicts and people who have risky sex.”

The Hep B vaccine given to babies also contains FIVE TIMES the amount of aluminum deemed safe for adults


9 October, 2024 – Shining a light on hepatitis B – Health Freedom Institute

Author Arthur Allen observed that when the hepatitis B vaccine was recommended for infants, “resistance to vaccination began to grow from a tiny hard core of ideological opponents into a larger, more mainstream group of skeptics. … Parents who found no fault with vaccination in general could still question whether the new injections were necessary.”62

“Others felt, complacently perhaps, that they would not be raising children who would ever be putting themselves at risk of hepatitis B or that their child could get the shot later.”63

“Many Americans, it seemed, didn’t like being asked to take a risk of any kind to prevent a disease they believed they could prevent perfectly well themselves.”64

Video: Video:


September 21, 2024 – Proud to Be Suing Hospitals and Doctors That Inject Hep B Vaccines Into Newborns Without Parental Consent

ICAN is supporting an initiative that is long overdue: suing doctors and hospitals that inject newborns with a hepatitis B vaccine without parental consent. 

The hepatitis B vaccine is a case study in agency capture. The target for this product was sex workers and intravenous drug users, and the rare pregnant mother who was hepatitis B positive. The problem was that CDC could not get the sex workers and intravenous drug users to take this product. The story would have ended there if pharma didn’t stand to earn billions through a wider mandate of this product.


Hep B Vaccine – is it causing high US death rates with Drs Tarlow & Hooker

WHY is the Hep B shot given to every newborn in the US but not in other industrialized countries? Could it be contributing to the US having the highest first day infant mortality rate and infant mortality rate?
This episode originally aired on CHD Tv


26 February, 2021 – Hep-B Vaccination for Newborns are Crimes Against Infants

Hepatitis-B is a viral attack on the liver that is transmitted through sex, shared hypodermic needles, and iatrogenic (medical) exposure. It’s a bodily fluid transmitted virus that often occurs among those engaging in “risky behavior.”�?The Hep-B vaccination (HBV) is administered at or near birth and again between three and six months of age. It’s the beginning of a lengthy runway of hazardous pediatric vaccinations recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Hep-B vaccination – A Danger to Infants

If vaccines worked safely, it would be prudent to screen expectant women for hepatitis-B and exclude unnecessary Hep-B vaccinations for newborns. Maybe a Hep-B vaccination would make any sort of sense for a newborn whose mother tested positive for hepatitis-B.

Except Hep-B Vaccinations Don’t Work and They are Very Dangerous

There are examples of acute hepatitis-B among those who had been vaccinated. Those examples were from “high risk” adults, young and promiscuous, and some who were exposed to hepatitis-B in clinics and hospitals (iatrogenic exposure).

The announced removal of mercury adjuvants is a public relations distraction. Mercury based thimerosal has been replaced with aluminum hydroxide, which also creates serious adverse neurological effects.

Ironically, there is evidence of almost immediate liver damage from HBV shots. Several animal studies with low dose Hep-B vaccines have been published since the 1990s.

A recent study discovered gene mutations that led to liver cell death. This study noted that vaccine manufacturers don’t test for gene mutations in their safety tests. All the studies were reported in peer reviewed journals.

How does all this affect helpless infants undergoing the CDC’s rigorous vaccination schedule beginning at or near birth with the Hep-B vaccination?

Renowned neurosurgeon and author Dr. Russell Blaylock puts it this way: “Because the child’s brain is undergoing a period of rapid growth from the third trimester of pregnancy until age 2 years, his or her brain is at considerable risk from this insane policy” [infant vaccinations].

The statistical evidence of rapidly rising autism and SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) is overwhelming. Yet only five percent of adverse events (at best) get reported to the adverse event reporting system (AERS), making it easier for the CDC to claim their low risk to benefit vaccine ratios.

Even with those cooked books, adverse effects and deaths from HBV vaccines greatly outnumber the hepatitis-B infections and deaths among children between 10 and 14 years of age, considered the earliest age span for hepatitis-B from “high risk behavior.”

One would get a realistic adverse event statistic by multiplying what is reported by almost ten. Most affected adversely don’t know about AERS. Others don’t want to bother with the level of effort required, while many doctors prefer to deny giving a shot that destroyed a child’s life.

The CDC has steadily increased the vaccination schedule since the late 1970s, inserting the Hep-B vaccination�?shot in the 1990s. Autism has skyrocketed by almost 90 percent in three decades. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) has also jumped dramatically within the USA, which is leading industrialized nations in that category.

A number of peer-reviewed studies have also found a relationship between the hep-B vaccinations�?and infant deaths both in the U.S. and Europe. With links to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), multiple sclerosis, and numerous chronic autoimmune disorders, some doctors are speaking out against the dangers of the hep B vaccine.

Nevertheless, mainstream medicine overall still constantly promotes vaccine safety and efficacy for HBV shots and all others. They continually dismiss those statistics as not scientific evidence for causality; while freely using epidemiology statistics, often manipulated, for their purposes.

Don’t fall for their spin. Spare your child’s future, and yours, the agony of constant suffering and medical care from adverse vaccine injury damage. If a pregnant woman doesn’t have hepatitis-B, the Hep-B vaccination�?shouldn’t even be considered.

Vaccinations are risky at any age. Before two years, when HBV vaccinations are scheduled, negative health results are highly probable later if not sooner.

Additional Sources:





1 February, 2013 – Hepatitis B Vaccine Deadly for Some?

[SaneVax: Despite the fact that hepatitis B is most commonly transmitted to infants via their infected mothers, the CDC recommends a 3 dose series of hepatitis B vaccinations beginning on the first day of life. Would it not make sense to test the birth mothers to determine the infant was at risk of contracting the disease prior to deciding whether vaccination is the right choice?] 

Federal Court Admits Hepatitis B Vaccine Caused Fatal Auto-Immune Disorder

By Elizabeth Renter

Hepatitis B at birth?Hepatitis B at birth worth the cost?

In our society today, newborns are injected with loads of chemicals nearly as soon as they enter the world. In the name of “prevention”, we give them vaccines that we aren’t even sure are safe. As a matter of fact, in many cases, we know them to be unsafe. This is the case with the hepatitis B vaccine, approved for infants at birth but admittedly responsible for causing serious illness and even death.

The United States Court of Federal Claims sided with the estate of Tambra Harris, who died as a result of an auto-immune disease called systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The court awarded $475,000 following her death after finding the hepatitis vaccine caused her injury in the form of SLE. But this near-admittance of a cause-effect relationship between the vaccine and the illness and subsequent death isn’t enough. No, we still give the shot to babies.

So, what is hepatitis B and why are we told that it is so important that newborn infants are vaccinated against it? Hepatitis B is not pleasant and can be deadly. But newborns (and the vast majority of people at any age) aren’t at risk of contracting the disease. It’s spread by contact with bodily fluids, as in through unprotected sex or dirty needles.

The risks associated with the hepatitis B vaccine are far more pressing than the risk of contracting the disease, says Dr. Jane Orient of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). “For most children, the risk of a serious vaccine reaction may be 100 times greater than the risk of hepatitis B.”                    

The hepatitis B vaccine triples the risk of developing multiple sclerosis

Hernán MA, Jick SS, et al. Recombinant hepatitis B vaccine and the risk of multiple sclerosis: A prospective study. Neurology 2004 Sep 14; 63(5): 838-42.

“These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that immunization with the recombinant hepatitis B vaccine is associated with an increased risk of multiple sclerosis.” – Some previous studies that evaluated a potential link between the hepatitis B vaccine and an increased risk of multiple sclerosis had significant methodological limitations.
– In this study, the General Practice Research Database (GPRD), containing comprehensive medical records from clinical practice in the United Kingdom, was utilized to compare 163 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of multiple sclerosis to 1,604 randomly selected controls.                                                      – Patients with multiple sclerosis were 3 times more likely to have been vaccinated against hepatitis B within 3 years before the date of first symptoms when compared to controls who were not vaccinated (odds ratio, OR = 3.1).

Miller, Neil Z.. Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies (p. 168).  Hepatitis B:

Hepatitis B triple series vaccine and developmental disability in US children aged 1–9 years (

Premature Puberty and Thimerosal-Containing Hepatitis B Vaccination: A Case-Control Study in the Vaccine Safety Datalink Recombinant hepatitis B vaccine and the risk of multiple sclerosis_ a prospective study – Abstract (
A Cross-Sectional Study of the Association between Infant Hepatitis B Vaccine Exposure in Boys and the Risk of Adverse Effects as Measured by Receipt of Special Education Services (

Hepatitis B Vaccination of Male Neonates and Autism Diagnosis, NHIS 1997–2002

Hepatitis B triple series vaccine and developmental disability in US children aged 1–9 years

Premature Puberty and Thimerosal-Containing Hepatitis B Vaccination: A Case-Control Study in the Vaccine Safety Datalink
Recombinant hepatitis B vaccine and the risk of multiple sclerosis_ a prospective study – Abstract

A Cross-Sectional Study of the Association between Infant Hepatitis B Vaccine Exposure in Boys and the Risk of Adverse Effects as Measured by Receipt of Special Education Services
Hepatitis B Vaccination of Male Neonates and Autism Diagnosis, NHIS 1997–2002

COVID-19 Virus Proof?


10 June, 2023 – Official Evidence that Virology is Pseudoscience – Christine Massey June 10


17 March, 2023 – Uncensored – Interview With Christine Massey: COVID virus – Where’s The Proof?

In this dynamic interview, Christine Massey shares her groundbreaking research into the issue of whether the COVID “virus” has been proven to exist, as well as the broader question as to whether any “virus” has been proven to exist.

Christine Massey has a master’s degree in bio-statistics and has worked in cancer resea

The controversy over whether the COVID “virus” has been proven to exist, is confusing to most people, but Ms. Massey pursued a route that was purely objective in doing this research. She submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to 213 medical institutions in 40 different countries asking them for documents that proved that the COVID virus has been purified and proven to exist. The responses she received from these institutions were absolutely shocking and draws into question everything they have been telling the public!


Research/ Articles: 

26 August, 2024 – CDC confesses: our DHCPP “experts” have never obtained scientific evidence of any alleged “virus”… including “hantavirus

Every institution has failed to provide or cite even 1 record describing the isolation aka purification of the alleged “COVID-19 virus” directly from a patient sample that was not first adulterated with other sources of genetic material. (Those other sources are typically monkey kidney aka “Vero” cells and fetal bovine serum).

(And, to our knowledge, no one on the planet has ever purified the alleged “virus” even from a cell culture! The CDC was FOI’d and had no records.)

In their responses, numerous institutions have made it explicitly clear that isolation/purification is simply never done in virology, and that “isolation” in virology means the exact opposite of what it means in everyday English. This is also evidenced in every “virus isolation” paper we have ever seen, for any alleged “virus”.

See:  COVID-19 FOI Responses 

For some insight into what’s really going on:
Canadian public health officials have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification performed anywhere, ever 


26 August, 2023 – Proving There Is No Covid 19 Virus Part 1: With An Assist From The CDC!

In this video, we look at a Freedom of Information Act Request that the CDC provided that they say constitutes “proof” that Covid is a virus, is contagious and that it causes disease.

We go through source by source to show that this is inaccurate. We compare electron microscope images of “Covid” and show there are identical particles known to exist in cells already and researchers pointed this out in 2020.

We review the inappropriate controls used to compare “Covid” testing.

9 September, 2023 – Proving There Is No Covid Virus Part 9: Antibodies, Behring, Diphtheria, Vitamin C

In this video, we continue with the discussion about antibodies, we look at the first acknowledged paper that references the idea of antibodies by Emil Von Behring and Kitashato Shibasaburu in relation to diptheria.

We briefly touch on their relationship to Robert Koch (who proposed Koch’s postulates). We then look at multiple failures of the diptheria vaccine that supposedly is conveying said antibodies to people. We then look at that fact that other entities, including vitamin C have been shown to neutralize diptheria.

So, if we haven’t isolated an antibody, and we know other things can neutralize diptheria, how can we come to conclusion that antibodies necessarily convey immunity?

9 September, 2023 – Proving There Is No Covid Virus Part 10: More Antibodies, Tetanus, Vitamin C And “Side Chain” Theory

In this video, we continue looking at the evidence for Antibodies going back to the time of Paul Ehrlich and explore the evidence of the “Side Chain” theory.

We briefly discuss the evidence of the effect of Vitamin C on both diptheria and tetanus to demonstrate that neutralization is not exclusive to the antibody idea.

We look at Ehrlich’s presentation to the Royal Society and some of his research works on “side chain” theory and find much of his experimental evidence is lacking.

9 September, 2023 – Proving There Is No Covid Virus Part 11:  Antibody “Lock And Key”, Linus Pauling, Arsenic, And “Precipitate”

In this video, continue to look at the “lock and key” Antibody theory that supposedly proves unique antigen-antibody interactions.

We look at the figure of Linus Pauling, his previous works, his history with vitamin C.

We review the experiments he references that the NIH says “prove” antigen-antibody interactions in lock and key fashion.                                                                                                                               

10 September, 2023 – Proving There Is No Covid Virus Part 13 Addendum: Cleaning Up The Antibody Story, Electrophoresis, And Benzene

In this video, we continue to look the supposed benefits anti bodies or the class of particles called Gamma Globulins that they supposedly constitute.

We will see that it appears there are some useful clinical applications for their use at times but we covered side effects, including potentially fatal ones, in the previous lecture.

We will touch on potential environmental exposures that could be causing symptoms expressed in agammaglobunemia which would been use of gamma globulins is indicated. We will cover electrophoresis as an isolating agent and how fragile a process this can be.

10 September 2023 – Proving There Is No Covid Virus Part 13: Antibodies “IGG, IGM, IGE,” Ultracentrifugation, And Side Effects

In this video, we  finally discuss the origin of the supposedly “unique:” anti-bodies such as IgG, IgM, and IgE etc., how ultracentrifugation is used to identify differences in anti bodies.

Yet we keep finding new sources of potential error but no reproducibility studies of old literature?

We see more examples of both antibodies and white blood cell counts not being sufficient to explain immunity. And finally we look at the side effect profile of administering these immunoglobulins.

22 September, 2023 – Proving There Is No Covid Part 19: Wrapping Up The ACE 2 Narrative

This lecture is the culmination of several other lectures so reviewing the lectures on CPE, cDNA and the previous Renin, Hypertensin, and angiotensin lectures will be necessary to understand it.

We deconstruct the idea that ACE 2 is a membrane bound receptor. We will see that they did not do appropriate experiments to determine that Sars Cov 1 attached to ACE 2 and the problem compounds with Covid 19. We will see that despite multiple recommendations since 2020 to use ACE 2 blocker when we actually implement the practice there is no noticeable difference in “Covid” outcomes.

So, how can we say ACE 2 is the entry point for the virus into cells if in the real world when we use medications to block the receptor it does impact the disease at all?

22 September, 2023 – Proving There Is No Covid Part 20: Wrap Up Problem With Staining For Electron Microscopes

In this video, we finally cover staining procedures for viewing images of virus in electron microscopes.

We review the work of Harold Hillman and his disputing of current views on electron microscope and the nature of artifacts in the slides.

We cover the staining process used on “Covid 19” that requires uranyl acetate and lead citrate, both of which have confirmed toxicity to kidney tissues which is what Covid virus images are tested against.


Gardasil and HPV


Gardasil HPV Truths

See Further Links beyond Efficacy and Safety 

SaneVax, Inc.

Safe, Affordable, Necessary and Effective Vaccines and Vaccination Practices



21 August, 2023 – Important Reads: Will HPV Vaccination Prevent Cervical Cancer?


Non vaccinated women continue to benefit from screening with pap smear

During the same period, older women (and therefore unvaccinated) saw their cancer risk decrease significantly:

less 17% for women aged 55 to 59 (from 9.7 to 8.1),

less 13% for women aged 60 to 64 ( from 10.3 to 8.9),

less 23% for those aged 75 to 79 (from 11.5 to 8.8)

and even less 31% for those aged 80 to 84 (from 14.5 to 10).


Has Gardasil Really Eliminated Cervical Cancer in Australia?

© 10/08/2020 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

PowerPoint Presentation

Why Are UK Experts Recommending the HPV Vaccine for Seniors Over 60 Years Old?

Dr Diedre Little: Does anyone need Gardasil?


3 April, 2024 – ‘We Will Not Go Quietly Into the Night’: A Tribute to Norma Erickson, Health Freedom Activist, Champion of HPV Vaccine-Injured

21 February, 2024 – Mothers of 2 Girls Who Died After Gardasil HPV Vaccine Sue Merck

The mothers of 10-year-old Isabella Zuggi and 14-year-old Sydney Figueroa filed wrongful death lawsuits against Merck, alleging the company knowingly failed to warn the public and medical providers about the risk of injury or death from its Gardasil human papillomavirus vaccine.

21 January, 2023 – Can HPV Vaccine Prevent Cervical Cancer: Current Studies (Part 3)

In part 1 and part 2 of this series, we discussed the HPV vaccine and its links to ovarian insufficiency and autoimmune disease. In part 3, we turn to questions regarding the effectiveness of the vaccine to prevent cervical cancer, and the limitations of relevant clinical trials to detect such a type of effect.

14 April, 2023 – Evidence of Serious Adverse Events in What Is Believed to Be One of the Most Effective Vaccines (Part 1)

In this HPV vaccine series, Parts I and II explain how the vaccine works and the evidence suggesting there may be legitimate safety concerns. The remaining parts present questions about real-world vaccine effectiveness and identify specific ingredients which may pose harm.

16 January, 2023 – Concerns of Increased Neurological and Autoimmune Events After HPV Vaccines: Large Studies (Part 2)

Vaccination is unjustified if the vaccine carries any substantial risk, as healthy teenagers face little to no risk of dying from cervical cancer. Risk-benefit analyses must be conducted to ascertain the overall balance of benefits and harms on both individual and societal levels.


Gardasil Lawsuit Claims HPV Vaccine Caused Teen Severe Injuries • Children’s Health Defense

See Video: Sacrificial Virgins – Not for the Greater Good – Part 1

Link:  Sanevax

The Safe Vaccine Debate – 1. Sacrificial Virgins

The HPV Vaccination can cause very serious Side Effects! – TennisCoach

HPV Vaccine Fact Sheet.doc.pdf

HPV VAERS Report – July-2019.pdf

Australian Data Cancer Epidemic in Gardasil Girls • Children’s Health Defense

A cross-sectional study of the relationship between reported human papillomavirus vaccine exposure and the incidence of reported asthma

Indian Parliament Comes Down Hard on Cervical Cancer Trial

Alleged Irregularities in the Conduct of Studies using HumanPapilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccine by Path in India (Departmentof Health Research, Ministry of Health.pdf

CDC Paid Maryland $123 Million to Promote Gardasil Vaccine as Requirement for School Attendance


Dr. Sin Hang Lee Challenges Medical and Scientific Community – re Gardasil. 

Dr. Sin Lee & HPV DNA Fragments in Gardasil 9 Vaccine


Vaccine Safety News from Finland to SaneVax

The association of adverse events with bivalent human papilloma virus vaccination_ A nationwide register-based cohort study in Finland.

Finnish Citizens Conduct Own Vaccine Safety Study and Question Health Authorities Letting 12-Year-Olds Make Own Decisions About HPV Vaccine without Parental Consent

Questions-on-the-Finnish survey-2019.pdf

Finnish post vaxx Questionnaire-Abstract-2019 (3)

Finnish post vaxx Complete-questionnaire-paper-2019.pdf

French petition against HPV vaccines

Gardasil controversy_ Freedom of Information disclosure reveals more deaths in Australia after HPV vaccination

Human papillomavirus vaccination of adult women and risk of autoimmune and neurological diseases.pdf

Lawsuit Filed Against Pharmaceutical Giant Merck on Behalf of Young Man Allegedly Injured by Gardasil • Children’s Health Defense

Molecular mimicry_ Body Confusion of “Self” and _Non-Self” (More Evidence on HPV Vaccines and Autoimmunity) • Children’s Health Defense

Safety concerns with human papilloma virus immunization in Japan

The association of adverse events with bivalent human papilloma virus vaccination_ A nationwide register-based cohort study in Finland.


Further Links: 

This short powerpoint identifies the risks and benefits of Gardasil.

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We want you to be adequately informed and provide these topics for your review:

* * * * * *

As of April 16, 2023 VAERS Reported 73,366 Adverse Event Reports             10,949 Serious Reports               (about 15%)555 DeathsOnly 1% of all Adverse Events get Reported

* * * * * *

Documentaries and Videos:

“Not a Coincidence”

The CDC and FDA routinely dismiss serious injuries and deaths as “coincidences” without investigation. The young persons in this short video attest that their injuries and deaths are not a coincidence and they plead for Congressional hearings about Gardasil.

* * * * * *

Australian obstetrician, Dr. Deirdre Little reviews her

 study from the British Medical Journal in 2012 and her investigation which shows lack of evidence of safety of Gardasil :

* * * * * *

Documentary from Denmark regarding injuries after 

Gardasil and safety/efficacy concerns:

* * * * * *


Listed here are four well researched and well presented books regarding the HPV vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix:

     1.  The HPV Vaccine on Trial – Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed

           Mary Holland , J.D., Kim Mack Rosenberg, J.D.,Eileen Iorio         An Important, comprehensive and well-documented book with a preface by Nobel Prize winner,  DR. LUC MONTAGNIER:            “This book reveals the tragedy of the HPV vaccine scandal.”

      2.  Shattered Dreams – The HPV Vaccine Exposed

                                                     Christina England      Documented stories of injury and death and chapters by 13 professionals including Chris Exley, PhD.D

      3.  Journeys from Trust to Tragedy

                                                          Norma Erickson

Dedicated to the stories of some of those who suffered HPV vaccine injuries or death

      4. From Pap Smear to HPV Vaccine: The Cervical Cancer Prevention Industry

 Sin Hang Lee, MD      Director, Milford Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory, Milford, CT, US 

This in-depth book  by world renown HPV expert  Dr. Sin Hang Lee provides a comprehensive analysis of how the HPV industry has invaded and eroded the women’s health care system in the field of cervical cancer prevention. 

                                                     * * * * * *

Research Papers and Letters (also see the page  “Links to Research on Gardasil” with 90+ studies) :

Dong Y. Undeniable Death Cases After HPV Vaccination. The HPV Vaccine: A Double-Edged Sword? (Part 1). June 25,2023.  Accessed 7/27/2023 at: 

                                     * * * * * *

Tomljenovic L,  Tarsell E,  Garrett J,  Shaw CA,  Holland MS.  Significant Under-reporting of Quadravalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine-Associated Serious Adverse Events in the United States:Time for Change?  Science, Public Health Policy and the Law . Volume 2:37–58 May,  2021 Clinical and Translational Research.                                          

 Researchers found that the CDC has been failing to acknowledge and record as serious  reports of citizens who suffered “persistent or significant disability/incapacity” following vaccination even though  that is one of the criterion defining a Serious Adverse Event (SAE) in the Code of Federal Regulations. Many youth suffered “persistent or significant disability/incapacity” following  HPV vaccination. The study explores  in detail the effect the failure to use the correct criteria had on detecting  safety problems for Merck’s HPV vaccine, Gardasil. 

The article is linked here:

 * * * * * *

Brawer AE and Sullivan, DHThe expanding cocktail of harmful ingredients in human papillomavirus vaccinesOpen Access Text. DOI: 10.15761/FWH.1000195 

The study documents the presence in HPV vaccines, Gardasil and Gardasil 9, of an undisclosed, highly toxic chemical called PMSF (phenylmethylsulfonyl floride). PMSF, also known as Toluene, is a serine protease/acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. Toluene is a nerve agent which can inactivate central nervous system functions. When the enzyme acetylcholinesterase is blocked, there could be uncontrollable firing of motor signals which can manifest as seizures or other biochemical or physiological disorders. 

PMSF has been used as a nerve agent in biological warfare! PMSF is used in the manufacturing of the HPV vaccine, but is not supposed to be in the final product. This paper documents that PMSF is in the final product and could initiate the onset of a host of serious adverse events that have been reported following HPV inoculations. Such outcomes include cardiovascular events, motor neuron disorders, autoimmune disorders, cognitive and mood disorders, neurological disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, miscarriages, menstrual disorders, seizures, headaches, extreme fatigue, skin disorders, sleep disorders, paralysis, encephalitis and even sudden death. A link to the paper is here: 

 * * * * * *

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) was asked to investigate the HPV vaccines due to the high number of consumers who reported serious adverse events. The EMA’s cursory investigation was highly criticized in an open letter by the Nordic Cochrane group. The researchers and doctors who signed the letter complained that the EMA’s investigation was “definitely not designed to uncover any real problems that may exist with HPV vaccines. The arbitrary and most likely pre-ordained conclusion must not go unchallenged”.

 Open letter to the EMA from the Nordic Cochrane group with scathing criticism of the EMA’s superficial investigation of the hpv vaccine. 

 * * * * * *

Tomljenovic L,  Shaw C. Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine policy and evidence-based medicine: Are they at odds?  Annals of Medicine, Dec. 2011. 

The  authors  conclude that the efficacy of HPV vaccines in preventing cervical cancer has not been demonstrated….

Serious adverse reactions including deaths, convulsions, paralysis, GBS, autoimmune disorders, chronic fatigue, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolisms, anaphylaxis and cervical cancer remain to be fully evaluated.

The long-term health of many women may be at risk against still unknown vaccine benefits.

The full  article is published online at:

* * * * * *

Tomljenovic L,  Shaw C. Death after Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination : Causal or Coincidental?

Researchers found evidence ofcerebral blood vessel wall immunoreactivity with HPV-16L1 which appears to have triggered fatal vasculopathy in two cases of sudden unexplained death following Gardasil vaccination. They conclude that HPV vaccines containing HPV-16L1 antigens pose an inherent risk for triggering potentially fatal autoimmune vasculopathies. The full report is published at

* * * * * *

January 14, 2016 Dr. Sin Hang Lee sent an open letter of complaint to the Director General of the World Health 

Organization, Dr. Margaret Chan, charging members of GACVS, the CDC, the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, and others with manipulation of data and suppression of science in order to maintain the illusion of HPV vaccine safety in the face of valid contradictory evidence:

* * * * * * announced on 9/6/11 that an 

independent laboratory under the direction of HPV expert, Dr. Sin Hang Lee, analyzed thirteen different lots of Gardasil collected worldwide. All vials were found to be contaminated with HPV DNA. This is significant because residual DNA in a vaccine can trigger autoimmune disease, anaphylactic shock or tumors. Merck and the FDA heretofore had denied that there was any HPV DNA in Gardasil. Dr. Lee’s research paper regarding these findings and the implications is published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry

SANE Vax announcement of contaminants in Gardasil

* * * * * *

To assess if there might be patterns to reported adverse events following Gardasil vaccinations, the authors worked with the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) to develop a questionnaire to document symptoms. Families voluntarily completed the questionnaire which was analyzed by the authors and resulted in this report:

Report Concerning a Survey of Adverse Events Following Inoculations with Gardasil

While the respondents represent a small sample and the responses have all of the limitations of self-reports, the findings are nevertheless compelling. The data clearly demonstrate consistency in the types and frequency of symptoms experienced following injections of Gardasil that did not exist prior to injection. The symptoms increase in occurrence, number and severity with additional exposure to Gardasil. The graphs and charts reflect a dose-response and temporal relationship. For the 6 deaths reported, there is statistically detectable evidence that the hypothesis that Gardasil is not related to any of them is not tenable. One practical consequence of these findings is that if one experiences certain post-injection symptoms, it may strongly indicate that the inoculation protocol should be aborted.


External sites with pertinent information:

Please email your replies to:

20 million lives saved from ‘The Vaccine’?

An article in the Lancet claims that 20 million lives were saved with the use of COVID ‘vaccines’.                                                                                                                                                              Where is the evidence for this? How sound is it? Where is the risk benefit analysis? How many lives saved compared to how many excess deaths caused or at least strongly associated with the COVID injections worldwide? 

Here is the article: 

23 June, 2022 – Global impact of the first year of COVID-19 vaccination: a mathematical modelling study

Findings: Based on official reported COVID-19 deaths, we estimated that vaccinations prevented 14·4 million (95% credible interval [Crl] 13·7-15·9) deaths from COVID-19 in 185 countries and territories between Dec 8, 2020, and Dec 8, 2021. This estimate rose to 19·8 million (95% Crl 19·1-20·4) deaths from COVID-19 averted when we used excess deaths as an estimate of the true extent of the pandemic, representing a global reduction of 63% in total deaths (19·8 million of 31·4 million) during the first year of COVID-19 vaccination. 

24 June, 2022 – COVID vaccines saved 20M lives in 1st year, scientists say,

According to a study published Thursday. June 23, 2022 in the journal Lancet Infectious Diseases, nearly 20 million lives were saved by COVID-19 vaccines during their first year, but even more deaths could have been prevented if global targets had been reached. (Pfizer via AP)

A bright red flag is here:

“This work was supported by a Schmidt Science Fellowship in partnership with the Rhodes Trust (OJW), Centre funding from the UK Medical Research Council (all authors), grant funding from WHO (OJW, ABH, PW, and ACG), Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (JT and ACG), support from the Imperial College Research Fellowship (PW and ABH), and support from the National Institute for Health Research Health Protection Research Unit in Modelling Methodology and Community Jameel (all authors). We thank Sondre Ulvund Solstad from The Economist for developing excess mortality statistics and their help in interpreting these estimates.”

There are clear conflicts of interest in the funding from bodies directly invested in the vaccine industry such as Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and GAVI.

Imperial College London are the original modellers that grossly over-estimated the expected GOVID deaths leading to policies and practices based on unrealistic fear. They predicted over half a million deaths in the UK and over 2 million deaths in the US. They had a vested interest in balancing the books with a model that produced an outcome with strikingly similar number of ‘lives saved’. 

WHO (World Health Organisation) are funded heavily by the Gates Foundation. They are at present lobbying to have global oversight over all future pandemics. Changes to the IHR (International Health Regulations, if successful will give them unprecedented powers including mandating vaccination in all member countries. 

24 June, 2022 – Did Covid Vaccines Save Tens of Millions of Lives?

A recent preprint, with the now questionable Medical Journal Lancet, makes the claim that the Covid vaccine introduction in December 2020 actually prevented tens of millions of deaths worldwide. 

This paper was submitted by the research group headed by Azra Ghani from the Imperial College of London. Dr. Ghani acts as a consultant for HSBC, GlaxoSmithKline, and the WHO and as with her other Imperial College colleagues, has been pro-lockdown/pro-panic, and pro-vaccine for more than two years.

20 August, 2022 – 20 million saved or 20 million killed

A single logical fallacy destroys the claims in the piece published on the Lancet. Brownstone (Roger Koops) describes it like this:

“C. Population Susceptibility 

The above piece completely ignores the huge gradient in mortality susceptibility in the population. Younger people have had very low infection mortality throughout the past two years. The mathematical models assume the same level of mortality susceptibility across all populations. This assumption we know to be a fallacy and completely negates any of their “models.”

“The mathematical models that have been presented from Imperial College have always been wildly WRONG.”

In other words, the Lancet piece assumes that the young have the same remaining life as the elderly. Ludicrous.


10 August, 2023 – MORE HARM THAN GOOD Clear evidence for all to see

In defence of the unprecedented numbers of reported deaths and serious adverse effects following the Covid injections, the pro-vax “health experts” always retreat to the mythical “20 million lives saved” claim without providing any evidence. 

CLICK HERE to view a paper by Makeover, T. et al entitled “Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccination Effectiveness” which was published in May 2023. I quote from this paper:

“By comparing graphs of the intensity of vaccination and the rate of mortality, we see periods of intense vaccination are followed by periods of higher excess mortality. Basic statistical data confirm that COVID-19 vaccines increased the mortality rate” and “it has confirmed that the vaccinated part of the global population has an increased mortality rate of about 14.5% with respect to the non-vaccinated population cohort”.

and here are the numbers from the paper:

Infection fatality ratio  (IFR): 

The proportion of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 who die from COVID-19. 

20 million lives saved? Here are quite recent pre-vaccination IFR data on Covid-19 in the young and working-age population:

“The median [pre-vaccination] IFR was 0.0003% at 0–19 years, 0.002% at 20–29 years, 0.011% at 30–39 years, 0.035% at 40–49 years, 0.123% at 50–59 years, and 0.506% at 60–69 years.”

“At a global level, pre-vaccination IFR may have been as low as 0.03% and 0.07% for 0–59 and 0–69 year old people, respectively.”

‘Age-stratified infection fatality rate of COVID-19 in the non-elderly population’

Professor John Ioannidis (Stanford University) et al.

1 January 2023

Fig. 2. Box plot of infection fatality rate (IFR) estimates across countries per each specified age bin.

Polio Vaccine – Safety


Acute flaccid paralysis surveillance indicators in the Democratic Republic of Congo during 2008-2014.

Correlation between Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis Rates with Pulse Polio Frequency in India.

Britain, 1912 to 1963 Pesticides and Polio.

Polio & The Poisoning of America

Vaccine (and antibiotic injections) associated paralytic Poliomyelitis (VAPP)

The Economist explains – What is vaccine-derived polio?

Routine vaccinations and child survival_ follow up study in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa..

The Introduction of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis and Oral Polio Vaccine Among Young Infants.

The relation of prophylactic inoculations to the onset of poliomyelitis: a study of 620 cases in the victorian epidemic of poliomyelitis in 1949.

Vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis: a retrospective cohort study of acute flaccid paralyses in Brazil 

What Polio Vaccine Injury Looks Like, Decades Later.


Athletes’ deaths and injuries – Australia

Read it Here : AFL, Answer the Question Everyone’s Asking  – RDA 


The following introduction and list of Australian athletes has been extracted from Good 

“It is definitely not normal for so many mainly young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. Many of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a COVID vaccine. While it is possible this can happen to people who did not get a COVID vaccine, the sheer numbers clearly point to the only obvious cause.

The so-called health professionals running the COVID vaccine programs around the world keep repeating that “the COVID vaccine is a normal vaccine and it is safe and effective.”

gary dempsey 20 years

In response to their pronouncement, here is a non-exhaustive and continuously growing list of mainly young athletes who had major medical issues in 2021/2022 after receiving one or more COVID vaccines. Initially, many of these were not reported. We know that many people were told not to tell anyone about their adverse reactions and the media was not reporting them. They started happening and ramping up after the first COVID vaccinations. The mainstream media still are not reporting most, but sports news cannot ignore the fact that soccer players and other stars collapse in the middle of a game due to a sudden cardiac arrest. Many of those die – more than 50%.

We also note that many posts in Facebook, Instagram, twitter, forums and news stories are being removed. So now we are receiving some messages saying there is no proof of the event or of vaccination status. That is partly because this information is being hidden.

More people are writing to tell us that in many cases, we didn’t mention a person’s vaccination status. There is a good reason for that. None of the clubs want to reveal this information. None of their sponsors want to reveal it. The players have been told not to reveal it. Most of their relatives will not mention it. None of the media are asking this question. So what should we do? Stop this now? No, we will collect as much information as we can, while it is still available, because eventually, more information will come out, and we will be here to put it together. Will it mean anything? We don’t know. What we do know is that there is a concerted world-wide effort to make this information go away, so that fact alone tells us it must be collected, investigated and saved so other researchers can look at it to see if there are any useful patterns.

We really appreciate the athletes named in this list who have confirmed what happened to them so the truth can be known. They care about their fellow athletes, even if the clubs, their sponsors, media and politicians care more about money.”



  1. 14/04/2022 Australia

    Matthew Lloyd (43), former Essendon Football Club Australian Rules Football superstar, linked his recent Bell’s palsy to the COVID vaccinations. He said the instances of people getting the condition had increased since Covid vaccination were administered. ‘Heart issues and Bell’s palsy have gone through the roof since the boosters and Covid issues.’  News Story 12/04/2022 Australian Capital Territory, Australia

  2. 12/04/2022 Australian Capital Territory, Australia                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Paige Satchell (24), Sydney FC player was playing in the Australia v New Zealand football match. She was substituted early in the match against Australia with a breathing / heartbeat issue.  News Story  News Story2

  3. 07/04/2022 South Australia, Australia

    Ollie Wines (27), Port Adelaide Football Club Australian Rules Footballer and reigning Brownlow Medallist felt nauseous and dizzy during the loss to Melbourne, went to hospital for an overnight stay. Diagnosed with irregular heartbeat. Was discharged after a heart irregularity “resolved itself.” Triple vaccinated. It was reported that the hospital ward where Wines stayed overnight was “full of patients with the same symptoms.”  News Story  News Story2  News Story3

  4. 24/03/2022 Victoria, Australia

    Hayden Crozier (28), Western Bulldogs Australian Rules Football player. At half-time in the match against Carlton, he collapsed, was hooked up to a heart monitor and reportedly given oxygen.  News Story  News Story2

  5. 13/03/2022 Victoria, Australia

    Dean Wallis (52), former Essendon professional Aussie rules football player, suffered a cardiac arrest and is now recovering in hospital.  News Story

  6. 08/03/2022 Australia

    Stewart McSweyn (25), Runner was unable to finish a 5,000 metres race in Melbourne, Australia 8th March 2022 due to breathing problems and will now be sent for respiratory and cardiac tests.“He’s fine at cruising pace, but when he goes at a really hard pace it’s different.” McSweyn recently had his COVID booster shot and entered the race in suburban Box Hill in an attempt to prove his fitness for the world indoor championships in Belgrade beginning on March 18 2022.  News Story

  7. 04/03/2022 Australia

    Cam Bairstow (31), Adelaide 36ers Basketballer. Star player for basketball team Adelaide 36ers, was rushed to hospital mid-match after a heart scare – an irregular heartbeat. After a medical checkup, he was cleared to continue playing.  News Story

  8. 24/02/2022 Queensland, Australia Dead

    Rod Marsh (74), former Australian cricket wicketkeeper collapsed due to a cardiac arrest in Queensland. He was transported to a hospital in Adelaide, where he died on 4th March.  News Story

  9. 18/02/2022 Victoria, Australia

    Jed Anderson (28), North Melbourne Australian rules footballer had an adverse reaction to the first vaccination and did not want a second. He was coerced into having the second because AFL players are required to be double vaccinated or not play, and eventually Anderson got the second vaccination. His adverse reaction to the second put him in hospital with pericarditis, so he can’t play at all now.  News Story

  10. 15/02/2022 Victoria, Australia

    Romain Grenville (Age), Kingston Hawthorn cricketer and batsman collapsed to the ground in front of the umpire after completing a run in the match against Footscray. Further information awaited.  News Story

  11. 01/02/2022 Australia

    Ingi Doyle (AGE), triathlete, suffered multiple organ failure after 2 doses of Pfizer covid vaccine. “14 days after my second jab all hell broke loose.” It’s a long road to recovery, but at at least she can now walk again. Read the linked stories for more details.  News Story  News Story2

  12. 29/01/2022 Australia

    Jakub Mensik (16), junior Tennis player at the Australian Open. “Worst attack of cramp ever” as he collapsed on court and was taken off in wheelchair.  News Story

  13. 20/01/2022 Australia

    Richard Gasquet (35), Tennis player at the Australian Open. Won the first set then lost all games in the second and third. He abandoned the match and dropped out. Symptoms: generally tired and unable to compete, he preferred to stop and not take risks for the rest of his season.  News Story

  14. 17/01/2022 Melbourne, Australia

    Unnamed (AGE) tennis ballgirl at the Australian Open collapsed on court during a match, with the two players involved racing to her aid. Some people said it was extreme heat, but it appeared to be only 28 degrees.  News Story  News Story2

  15. 09/01/2022 Victoria, Australia Dead

    Harley Balic (25), Australian rules footballer. Former Fremantle and Melbourne midfielder Harley Balic has died, aged 25. The death is not treated as suspicious. Note that in October 2021, it was announced that “All AFL and AFLW players will need to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by mid-February or they will be barred from playing and training.”  News Story  News Story2

  16. 05/01/2022 Australia

    Nikoloz Basilashvili (29), Georgian tennis player (No. 22 in the world) began struggling to breathe early in his ATP Cup match in Sydney against Stefanos Tsitsipas, play was cancelled. Basilashivili was serving 4-1 down in the first set when play was suddenly halted. The Georgian tennis star was overheard saying: “Every shot I’m out of breath.” His hand gestures suggested he was feeling tightness in his chest. Australia’s vaccination rules mandate all ATP Cup players to be fully vaccinated.  News Story

  17. 04/01/2022 Australia Dead

    James Kondilios (23), Ultra-healthy world-class powerlifter, was fully-vaccinated with no underlying health conditions, according to the Department of Health, died suddenly.  News Story

  18. Matty John (Age unknown), Bodybuilder suffered stabbing heart pain two days after Pfizer vaccine, diagnosed with pericarditis. At least 79,000 Australians suffered severe adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccines.  News Story  News Story2

  19. 24/12/2021 Australia Dead

    Terry Morrison (70), ex-Rugby Union. Morrison was a former All Black winger and New Zealand national 200m sprint champion, making him one of the fastest All Black players in history. He suffered a cardiac arrest whilst surfing on Christmas Eve and could not be resuscitated. News Story

  20. 12/12/2021 Australia Dead

    Kane van Diermen (35), Sydney Convicts RUFC Rugby Union. Circumstances of death not announced  News Story

  21. 12/12/2021 Australia Dead

    Daniel Ferguson (33), Irish former Donaghadee FC player. After 10 years in Australia, Ferguson was to return to his home town, Donaghadee, in Northern Ireland, so must have been vaccinated to fly, but just days before his return, he died. No details given.  News Story

  22. 11/12/2021 Brisbane, Australia Dead

    Sulamai Aukuso Lavea (48), NZ origin Rugby League player died of a cardiac arrest at the second level of the Springwood Stairs of Death during training  News Story  Stairs

  23. 07/12/21 Melbourne, Australia

    Jake Lever (25), Melbourne Demons star player (AFL) appeared weak as he dropped to the ground during his first training session in pre-season. He had 20 minutes of medical attention.  News Story

  24. 03/12/21 Adelaide, Australia

    An unnamed Adelaide Crows football player went to hospital diagnosed with pericarditis (heart inflammation) two weeks after his first Pfizer. Percarditis destroys heart cells. The Adelaide Crows inexplicably did not release his name, citing “privacy” but it will soon be obvious because he will be out for at least 3 months.  News Story

  25. 01/12/21 Melbourne Australia

    Ben Madgen (36), South East Melbourne Phoenix basketballer in hospital with pericarditis after 2nd Pfizer. Tweet

  26. 24/11/21 Victoria, Australia

    Paul Dimattina (47), Former Western Bulldogs (Australian Rules Football) midfielder in intensive care after adverse reaction to Pfizer Covid booster. And now he has COVID symptoms.  News Story

  27. 20/11/21 NSW, Australia

    Stephanie Gard (), Equestrian Athlete pericarditis, unable to feel her legs from the knees down, and unable to walk a few days after Pfizer COVID Vaccine News Story

  28. 17/11/2021 Queensland, Australia Dead

    Caitlin Gotze (23), walked 20km per day with the horses that she looked after. Her employer mandated the vaccine. After the first vaccination, her health went downhill, and even more after the second shot, and she died.  News Story

  29. 14/11/21 Australia

    Michelle Goszko (44), Aussie cricket great, in ICU after stroke at 44. She is fully vaccinated. News Story

  30. 21/10/21, NSW Central Coast, Australia

    Cienna Knowles (19) Australian equestrian star hospitalized due to blood clots. vomiting, fever, wet in sweat, heart palpitations, headache, sore muscles & joints like hell, blurry vision after Pfizer vaccine. News Story and instagram

  31. 01/09/21 Australia Dead

    Cameron Dale(29), Australian sailor, died after suffering a ‘catastrophic’ stroke. He was youngest solo sailor to circumnavigate the globe. News Story

  32. 10/08/21 Australia

    Chris Cairns (51), New Zealand cricketer suffered a massive heart attack and a ruptured aorta. He underwent heart surgery and was taken to a Sydney hospital for further vascular surgery. Six months later, 05/02/2022 it is reported he now has bowel cancer as well.  News Story  News Story2

  33. 10/08/2021 South Australia, Australia

    Tom Rockliff (31), Port Adelaide Australian Rules Footballer developed deep vein thrombosis. Then a series of blood clots on his lungs were discovered. Decided to retire after being told he could die if he is hit while still battling blood clots.  News Story

  34. 22/04/21 Australia

    Craig Jones (29) Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu world champion black belt is unable to train or fight after a COVID injection  Story

  35. 22/02/21 Queensland, Australia Dead

    Dale Best (34), Maroochydore Swans Rugby League player collapsed during a match. Sports trainers performed CPR then paramedics attempted to stabilise the player. He was taken to hospital, where he later died.  News Story

COVID-19 Injection Adverse Events Updates – Feb., 2022

Image source:


21November, 2022 – Died Suddenly  


21 November, 2022 – Peter Doshi BMJ  – One in Eight Hundred Serious Adverse Events 

25 December, 2021 – Prof Sucharit Bhakdi: Organs Of Dead Vaccinated Proves Auto-Immune Attack



24 January, 2023 – The role of social circle COVID-19 illness and vaccination experiences in COVID-19 vaccination decisions: an online survey of the United States population

pdf: The role of social circle COVID-19 illness and vaccination experiences in COVID-19 vaccination decisions

“Estimates from the survey indicate that through the first year of the COVID-19 vaccination program there may be as many as 278,000 vaccine induced fatalities and up to a million severe adverse events.” 

31 March, 2023 –Mark Skidmore’s paper showing the vaccines killed over 200,000 people in 2021 will be retracted by the journal

10 March 2023 – So you say “Dr. Alexander, you keep raising concern about the vaccines, where is the proof? Is there any evidence? Anything, a study or two besides what you, McCullough, Malone, Tenenbaum, Risch say?

“Do you have anything Sir? You scientists and clinicians are raising concerns but give us something to work with”…well, ok, see these near 1,000 studies/pieces of evidence, to start…

February, 2023 – Australian COVID-19 pandemic: A Bradford Hill analysis of iatrogenic excess mortality

The very large excess deaths observed from the data imply that the mortality risk/benefit ratio from COVID injections is very high. That is, the harm or risk realized has far outweighed any benefit from COVID injections.

3 February, 2022 – This one graph from Shrestha et al. (Cleveland clinic study) really should have ended the fraud COVID mRNA gene injections; shows clear DOSE response, unvaccinated at LOWEST risk contracting COVID

The higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19 (Figure 2).

20 October, 2021 – Data Proves Covid-19 Deaths Rose Rapidly AFTER Vax Roll-Out In 40+ Countries

5 December, 2021 – Clinically Suspected Myocarditis Temporally Related to COVID-19 Vaccination in Adolescents and Young Adults

“Suspected myocarditis occurred in 136 patients (97.8%).”

25 December, 2021 – On COVID Vaccines: Why They Cannot Work, And Irrefutable Evidence Of Their Causative Role In Deaths After Vaccination

“Organs Of Dead Vaccinated Proves Auto-Immune Attack.”

Athletes’ deaths and injuries

No More Silence – Telling Our Stories 

Why, in recent months, have so many Sporting Athletes either collapsed or died?

It used to be a rarity for sporting athletes to suffer in this way, as they routinely go through strict, detailed medical examinations and stress tests. However, in recent months, there have been so many incidents of Deaths, Myocarditis, Pericarditis and Heart attacks, we have to ask, what is causing this catastrophic change?

It cannot be a coincidence that the Covid-19 Vaccine implementation has become forcefully mandated in many countries during this period, and it’s publicly noted worldwide that these Vaccines continue to cause countless Heart Related Issues.

The following fast-growing group of sports medical emergencies reflects just a tiny snapshot of….

The Covid-19 Vaccine Lottery!


The Sporting Athletes Video – Reality Not Rarity!

More Videos: 

January, 2020 – 339 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, 193 Dead After C0VID JAB



14 April, 2022 – 951 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 622 Dead, After COVID Shot  

19 March, 2022 – Complete COVID-19 Vaccine-Related Athlete Injury/Death List To-Date: 779 Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 500 Dead

23 January, 2022 – Vaccinated athletes perform worse than controls


8 December, 2021 – Investigation finds 278% increase in Worldwide Heart Attack Deaths among Soccer Players in 2021 so far

1 December, 2021 – They Were High-Performing Athletes … Until COVID Vaccines Destroyed Their Health



Lockdowns – Policy Impacts

Lock-downs or quarantines have throughout the ages been used as a policy for managing infectious illness. During epidemics and pandemics we have segregated the sick and the susceptible.

However the unprecedented response to Covid-19 has been to also severely restrict the healthy, and those in low risk age brackets.

This is a new experiment on a global scale which has had severely damaging effects on mental and physical health, relationships, education, employment, and widespread permanent closure of small and medium businesses.

The full impact will not be able to be identified for many years.

Deaths of despair are a very real long term consequence which alone are likely to exceed true Covid caused deaths.

The effectiveness of lock-down strategies in reducing the viral impact has never been supported by evidence-based science.

As the wave of deaths and hospitalizations subsides, many governments are increasingly mandating severe restrictions on freedom of movement.


It is becoming clearer that we are having Unalienable rights over-ridden by increasingly authoritarian dictates.

Draconian policies can not be justified. 



22 April, 2023 (podcast)  – Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on Lockdowns: Excerpt from the Announcement Speech

On April 19, 2023, Robert F. Kennedy announced his intention to challenge Biden in the Democratic primary for president. As part of his announcement speech in Boston, he spoke bluntly about Covid lockdowns



August, 2021

March 23, 2021 – BREAKING: Sweden Admits People Not Dying at Higher Rate Due to Pandemic

No Science, No Shutdown

What No-one Is Saying About The Lockdowns!

Dolores Cahill – Time For Change Protest – Dublin

Watch Censored WORLD DOCTORS ALLIANCE Announce Lawsuit Against COVID-19 Global Lockdown


Second Wave Of Politicized Lockdowns Missing Science and Sanity – The Highwire

The Great Barrington Declaration and Herd immunity

CDC Director says There are More Suicides and Overdoses than COVID Deaths

Scott Atlas: I’m disgusted and dismayed


Research and articles:

30 August, 2023 – More on “What have we done to our children” -a quasi-experimental study on German school closures in 2020

“We show that prolonged school closures led to a substantial deterioration in youth health-related quality of life, precipitating early signs of mental health problems. The effects were most severe among boys, younger adolescents, and families with limited living space. “

From the opening paragraph of the “Results” section:

“The results show that each additional week of school closure is associated with a decrease in HRQoL (0.107 SD, P < 0.001) and increases in psychosomatic symptoms (0.072 SD, P < 0.05), behavioral and emotional health problems (0.089 SD, P < 0.05), and depressive symptoms (0.079 SD, P < 0.05). For the time period under study, there are no effects on anxiety symptoms.”

HRQoL = health-related quality of life

23 August, 2023 –  Ethical boundaries in medical decision-making can be blurred by circumstances

The debate as to how much “pandemic” harm was caused not by a virus, but rather by the dystopian response to the perceived threat of a virus, has been raging for some time now.

Jonathan tweeted about this last year in relation to Lombardy and that thread was turned into this Panda article.

An analysis of the spatial characteristics of deaths during the spring 2020 wave in Northern Italy was carried out by him along with a Panda colleague; this suggested that it looked nothing like a spreading virus, and more like the sudden imposition of a policy response.

27 May, 2023 – Lockdowns “Harmed Hundreds of Millions of People for Years to Come” – Major Study

Reviewing and synthesising 600 publications focused on the impact of the pandemic response, Dr. Kevin Bardosh of the Universities of Washington and Edinburgh concluded that these wide and deep societal harms “should challenge the dominant mental model of the pandemic response”.

Lockdowns harm major study pdf

11 May, 2023 –  The Longer Students Were Out of School, the Less They Learned

This paper in Taylor & Francis Online concludes that the longer students were out of school, the less they learned. It is estimated that for every week that schools were closed, learning levels declined by almost 1% of a standard deviation. This means that a 20 week closure, for example, would reduce learning outcomes by 0.20 standard deviation, almost one year of schooling.

23 April, 2023 – How many did the lockdowns kill?

In South Asia, for instance, a 2021 United Nations report estimates that lockdowns resulted in some 239,000 maternal and child deaths.

This is a figure higher than the total COVID-19 deaths in the region to date and by now likely might have doubled.

In 2020 alone, worldwide, 267,000 children under age 5 in low- and middle-income countries perished because of lockdowns.

25 August, 2022 – Research Reveals COVID Lockdowns Claimed 20x More Life Years Than They Saved

“The comparative analysis of different countries showed that the assumption of lockdowns’ effectiveness cannot be supported by evidence—neither regarding the present COVID-19 pandemic, nor regarding the 1918–1920 Spanish Flu and other less-severe pandemics in the past,” argue the researchers.

15 June, 2022 – A New York Times article claims without evidence that “Lockdowns Protected Older People”. The data show the opposite.

20 May,2022 – We Know the Damage Lockdowns Did to Our Children, So Never Again

17 May, 2022 – UK Toddlers Unable to Speak or Play Properly Due to COVID-19 Lockdowns

11 May, 2022 – The Inhumanity of Compulsory Virus Control

4 April, 2022 – How Children were impacted by Lockdowns

28 March, 2021 – More Than 400 Studies on the Failure of Compulsory Covid Interventions

25 March, 2021 – Lockdowns Are Unnecessary, Ineffective and Harmful and Must Never Happen Again

2 October, 2021 – Establishment Now Advocating Lockdowns — Not to Save You From Covid, But From Climate Change

29 September, 2021 – Australia’s Corporations Rebel Against Government’s Draconian COVID Lockdowns

21 September, 2021 – Former FDA Commissioner: Six Foot Social Distancing Rule Was ‘Arbitrary’

13 August, 2020 – Babies born during COVID-19 pandemic have lower IQs: Study says

Study Finds Children Born During Lockdown Have Lost IQ Points, Impaired Cognitive Functioning

Sweden’s economy actually grew in the first quarter after it opted against a full virus lockdown


10 August, 2021 – Youth depression and anxiety doubled during the pandemic, new analysis finds

1 August, 2021 – More Canadians Under 65 Died From Lockdowns Than From COVID-19

18 June, 2021 – Emergency Department Visits for Suspected Suicide Attempts Among Persons Aged 12–25 Years Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic — United States, January 2019–May 2021

June 17, 2021 – How Asymptomatic COVID Spread Used To Lockdown The World Was Based On A Lie

8 November, 2020 – Lockdown will claim equivalent of 560,000 lives’ because of recession

8 November 2020 – Is the Cost of a Lockdown Too High? Prof. Phillip Thomas 

Raw stats show the catastrophic folly of lockdowns



Viral Inequality: From Jeff Bezos to the struggle of Indian Farmers

United States:


“To the contrary, we find a positive association between SIP (shelter in place, a US term for
lockdowns) policies and excess deaths,” four economists and scientists from the University of
Southern California and the Rand Corporation conclude in a working paper for the National Bureau
of Economic Research.


The COVID Pandemic Could Lead to 75,000 Additional Deaths from Alcohol and Drug Misuse and Suicide

COVID’s Deadly Toll on Youth: A Sharp Rise in Suicides

Suicide among children during Covid-19 pandemic: An alarming social issue

Mental Health–Related Emergency Department Visits Among Children Aged <18 Years During the COVID-19 Pandemic..

Mental Health–Related Emergency Department Visits Among Children Aged 18 Years During the COVID-19 Pandemic..pdf

COVID Plans Include Family Separation & Involuntary Quarantine in “Camps”

New York Times Lies about Science to Push School Closures.

Draconian lockdowns putting 1.1 billion at risk of starvation says leading epidemiologist

How many seniors are going to die from lockdown loneliness?

Loneliness in Older Persons: A predictor of functional decline and death

Revolver Exclusive Study: COVID-19 Lockdowns Over 10 Times More Deadly Than Pandemic Itself

Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19, by Age and Race and Ethnicity — United States, January 26–October 3, 2020

Tech Titans and Censorship—The Same People Profiting From The Quarantine Are Censoring Criticisms of It • Children’s Health Defense

A Constitutional Reckoning of State Lockdown Orders.

The Devastating Economic Impact of Covid-19 Shutdowns

Losing life and livelihood: A systematic review and meta-analysis of unemployment and all-cause mortality

Losing life and livelihood_ A systematic review and meta-analysis of unemployment and all-cause mortality – ScienceDirect.pdf

Shutdowns Spur Mental Health Crisis in US, Experts Say

Stress from virus response will destroy 7 times more years of life than lockdowns save_ Study



29 September, 2021 – Australia’s Corporations Rebel Against Government’s Draconian COVID Lockdowns

26 August, 2021 – Warning of a ‘shadow pandemic’ of youth suicide after huge spike in teenage girls taking their own lives as helplines are flooded with calls and depression, eating disorders and self-harm reach record levels in lockdown

31 July, 2021 –  Health experts warn alcoholism rising across regional Australia as Dry July comes to an end

“1 in 5 Australians increased alcohol use during the lockdowns, “We know the statistics. We know that 93 per cent of hospital admissions at the weekend are alcohol-related. We know domestic violence is hugely related to alcohol consumption. We know it’s bad, and people are realising that.” 


29 June 2021 – What if lockdowns don’t save lives_

“Ian Hickie, Australia’s former health commissioner and head of the Brain and Mind Centre, projected the number of annual deaths by suicide in Australia to rise from 3,000 to up to 4,500, with young people comprising nearly half that number.

“We are facing a situation where between an extra 750 and 1500 suicides may occur annually, this in addition to the 3000-plus lives that are lost to suicide already every year,” Hickie said.”


Australia Projects More Suicides From Lockdowns Than Coronavirus Deaths

Melbourne curfew is not based on advice

Melbourne curfew is not based on advice – TOTT News.pdf


Covid-19 pandemic profit fallout 1_m_harrison



16 August, 2021 – Denmark plans to lift all anti-epidemic measures by September

The Coronapas will be completely abolished by October.

6 April, 2021 – Mental Health Costs of Lockdowns: Evidence from Age-specific Curfews in Turkey∗

The Results of Europe’s Lockdown Experiment Are In

8 November, 2020 – Lockdown will claim equivalent of 560,000 lives’ because of recession

8 November 2020 – Is the Cost of a Lockdown Too High? Prof. Phillip Thomas 

200,000 people could die because of delays in healthcare and economic effects of coronavirus lockdown, report warns

Opposing lockdown is NOT “profits before people”

Great Barrington Declaration

English Pub Opened in 1566 to Close Permanently Due to Anti Covid-19 restrictions



March 23, 2021 – BREAKING: Sweden Admits People Not Dying at Higher Rate Due to Pandemic

All eyes on the Swedish coronavirus experiment – UnHerd

EconomicPolicyJournal.com_ Do Lockdowns Save Many Lives_; Lets Take a Look at Sweden

How Lockdown Advocates Get Sweden Wrong Jeremy R Hammond

Sweden’s economy actually grew in the first quarter after it opted against a full virus lockdown

Sweden’s Success is Kryptonite for Lockdown and Mask Advocates

Swedish Covid-19 data 2020 FOHM Covid-19



August 01, 2021 – More Canadians Under 65 Died From Lockdowns Than From COVID-19

August 01, 2021

As the fallout numbers from the worldwide lockdowns are weighing heavily in Canada, with statisticians reporting that four times as many Canadians died from indirect causes of the lockdown than the number that died from COVID itself.

A government report, “Provisional Death Counts and Excess Mortality,” shows that 5,535 Canadians under the age of 65 died between January 2020 to April 2021 because of “indirect consequences” due to the pandemic. During that same time frame, the report says 1,380 Canadians in the same age group died because of COVID-19 itself. Indirect consequences include “delayed medical procedures, increased substance use or a decline in deaths attributable to other causes, such as influenza,” according to the report.

Shutdowns forced more Canadians to stay at home and the cancellation or postponement of medical procedures and vital support services, while many businesses were forced to close. During that time, Statistics Canada confirmed that substance abuse increased as did the mortality rate.

Most of the people who died from COVID-19 in Canada were over the age of 85 and had dementia, Alzheimer’s, chronic heart disease or other pre-existing “cardiovascular and respiratory conditions,” the report said.


Statistics Canada July 18, 2021

Statistics Canada Provisional Death Counts and Excess Mortality report July 12, 2021

2,114 excess suicides from Canadians losing their livelihood to the lockdowns

Projected increases in suicide in Canada as a consequence of COVID-19



15 January, 2021 – Increase in suicide following an initial decline during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan

15 January, 2021 – Increase in suicide following an initial decline during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan.pdf

Suicide Claimed More Lives In October Than 10 Months Of COVID-19 In Japan, Report Shows

Japan ends its COVID-19 state of emergency

Japan’s state of emergency is no lockdown. What’s in it_ – ABC News

Two masks, no lockdown_ Japan PM’s latest coronavirus step riles social media – Reuters

Why is Japan still a coronavirus outlier_The Japan Times



TAIWAN: No Lockdowns, No Closed Businesses, Non-WHO Member, and Relatively Unaffected by COVID-19

Lockdowns failed to alter the course of pandemic and are now destroying millions of livelihoods worldwide, JP Morgan study claims

Lockdowns failed to alter the course of pandemic, JP Morgan study claims _ Daily Mail Online.pdf

Free states maintain survival advantage primarydoctor

Covid-19 a controlled study



The Great Barrington Declaration

Great Barrington Declaration.pdf

Lockdown_ The New Totalitarianism – AIER

1000s Of Cases But Zero Hospitalizations In Colleges: Good News But States Force Draconian Lockdowns