Hep B Vaccine – is it causing high US death rates with Drs Tarlow & Hooker
WHY is the Hep B shot given to every newborn in the US but not in other industrialized countries? Could it be contributing to the US having the highest first day infant mortality rate and infant mortality rate?
This episode originally aired on CHD Tv
26 February, 2021 – Hep-B Vaccination for Newborns are Crimes Against Infants
Hepatitis-B is a viral attack on the liver that is transmitted through sex, shared hypodermic needles, and iatrogenic (medical) exposure. It’s a bodily fluid transmitted virus that often occurs among those engaging in “risky behavior.”�?The Hep-B vaccination (HBV) is administered at or near birth and again between three and six months of age. It’s the beginning of a lengthy runway of hazardous pediatric vaccinations recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
Hep-B vaccination – A Danger to Infants
If vaccines worked safely, it would be prudent to screen expectant women for hepatitis-B and exclude unnecessary Hep-B vaccinations for newborns. Maybe a Hep-B vaccination would make any sort of sense for a newborn whose mother tested positive for hepatitis-B.
Except Hep-B Vaccinations Don’t Work and They are Very Dangerous
There are examples of acute hepatitis-B among those who had been vaccinated. Those examples were from “high risk” adults, young and promiscuous, and some who were exposed to hepatitis-B in clinics and hospitals (iatrogenic exposure).
The announced removal of mercury adjuvants is a public relations distraction. Mercury based thimerosal has been replaced with aluminum hydroxide, which also creates serious adverse neurological effects.
Ironically, there is evidence of almost immediate liver damage from HBV shots. Several animal studies with low dose Hep-B vaccines have been published since the 1990s.
A recent study discovered gene mutations that led to liver cell death. This study noted that vaccine manufacturers don’t test for gene mutations in their safety tests. All the studies were reported in peer reviewed journals.
How does all this affect helpless infants undergoing the CDC’s rigorous vaccination schedule beginning at or near birth with the Hep-B vaccination?
Renowned neurosurgeon and author Dr. Russell Blaylock puts it this way: “Because the child’s brain is undergoing a period of rapid growth from the third trimester of pregnancy until age 2 years, his or her brain is at considerable risk from this insane policy” [infant vaccinations].
The statistical evidence of rapidly rising autism and SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) is overwhelming. Yet only five percent of adverse events (at best) get reported to the adverse event reporting system (AERS), making it easier for the CDC to claim their low risk to benefit vaccine ratios.
Even with those cooked books, adverse effects and deaths from HBV vaccines greatly outnumber the hepatitis-B infections and deaths among children between 10 and 14 years of age, considered the earliest age span for hepatitis-B from “high risk behavior.”
One would get a realistic adverse event statistic by multiplying what is reported by almost ten. Most affected adversely don’t know about AERS. Others don’t want to bother with the level of effort required, while many doctors prefer to deny giving a shot that destroyed a child’s life.
The CDC has steadily increased the vaccination schedule since the late 1970s, inserting the Hep-B vaccination�?shot in the 1990s. Autism has skyrocketed by almost 90 percent in three decades. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) has also jumped dramatically within the USA, which is leading industrialized nations in that category.
A number of peer-reviewed studies have also found a relationship between the hep-B vaccinations�?and infant deaths both in the U.S. and Europe. With links to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), multiple sclerosis, and numerous chronic autoimmune disorders, some doctors are speaking out against the dangers of the hep B vaccine.
Nevertheless, mainstream medicine overall still constantly promotes vaccine safety and efficacy for HBV shots and all others. They continually dismiss those statistics as not scientific evidence for causality; while freely using epidemiology statistics, often manipulated, for their purposes.
Don’t fall for their spin. Spare your child’s future, and yours, the agony of constant suffering and medical care from adverse vaccine injury damage. If a pregnant woman doesn’t have hepatitis-B, the Hep-B vaccination�?shouldn’t even be considered.
Vaccinations are risky at any age. Before two years, when HBV vaccinations are scheduled, negative health results are highly probable later if not sooner.
Additional Sources:
1 February, 2013 – Hepatitis B Vaccine Deadly for Some?
[SaneVax: Despite the fact that hepatitis B is most commonly transmitted to infants via their infected mothers, the CDC recommends a 3 dose series of hepatitis B vaccinations beginning on the first day of life. Would it not make sense to test the birth mothers to determine the infant was at risk of contracting the disease prior to deciding whether vaccination is the right choice?]
Federal Court Admits Hepatitis B Vaccine Caused Fatal Auto-Immune Disorder
By Elizabeth Renter
Hepatitis B at birth worth the cost?
In our society today, newborns are injected with loads of chemicals nearly as soon as they enter the world. In the name of “prevention”, we give them vaccines that we aren’t even sure are safe. As a matter of fact, in many cases, we know them to be unsafe. This is the case with the hepatitis B vaccine, approved for infants at birth but admittedly responsible for causing serious illness and even death.
The United States Court of Federal Claims sided with the estate of Tambra Harris, who died as a result of an auto-immune disease called systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The court awarded $475,000 following her death after finding the hepatitis vaccine caused her injury in the form of SLE. But this near-admittance of a cause-effect relationship between the vaccine and the illness and subsequent death isn’t enough. No, we still give the shot to babies.
So, what is hepatitis B and why are we told that it is so important that newborn infants are vaccinated against it? Hepatitis B is not pleasant and can be deadly. But newborns (and the vast majority of people at any age) aren’t at risk of contracting the disease. It’s spread by contact with bodily fluids, as in through unprotected sex or dirty needles.
The risks associated with the hepatitis B vaccine are far more pressing than the risk of contracting the disease, says Dr. Jane Orient of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). “For most children, the risk of a serious vaccine reaction may be 100 times greater than the risk of hepatitis B.”
The hepatitis B vaccine triples the risk of developing multiple sclerosis
Hernán MA, Jick SS, et al. Recombinant hepatitis B vaccine and the risk of multiple sclerosis: A prospective study. Neurology 2004 Sep 14; 63(5): 838-42.
“These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that immunization with the recombinant hepatitis B vaccine is associated with an increased risk of multiple sclerosis.” – Some previous studies that evaluated a potential link between the hepatitis B vaccine and an increased risk of multiple sclerosis had significant methodological limitations.
– In this study, the General Practice Research Database (GPRD), containing comprehensive medical records from clinical practice in the United Kingdom, was utilized to compare 163 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of multiple sclerosis to 1,604 randomly selected controls. – Patients with multiple sclerosis were 3 times more likely to have been vaccinated against hepatitis B within 3 years before the date of first symptoms when compared to controls who were not vaccinated (odds ratio, OR = 3.1).
Miller, Neil Z.. Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies (p. 168).